OPPORTUNITIES: Online Masterclasses for Young Political Leaders of the Baltic States
We invite students to applicate to the Online Masterclasses for Young Political Leaders of the Baltic States beginning from 26th of September and continuing for 6 weeks (until 8th of November 2020).
The project is tailored to organize discussions for undergraduate students of the higher education institutions of the Baltic States as the future opinion leaders with the aim to increase their democratic and other essential competencies and to equip them with skills for participation in the democratic political process, as well as to enhance knowledge about the most actual political issues for the Baltic region.
The programme consists of several blocks or sessions according to following topics: democracy and values; political participation and good governance, political, economic and security cooperation between the Baltic states, the role of the European Union in Baltic’s. The participants will be presented with such activities as lectures from various leading experts, online discussions between participants as well as discussions with top level politicians from all three Baltic States.
Requirements for participants:
- eligibility: be between 18 and 25 years old;
- be interested in political and social processes;
- English language skills allowing to take an active part in all activities of the project.
It is necessary for participants to send their CV and motivation letter until 20th September to rovena.berga@lato.lv