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REGISTRATION for career consultations

Hurry up and take the opportunity! June 11 - 15 is the last week of consultations. Consultations take place everyday from 10 am till 5 pm, one consultation lasts about one hour. Sadly, but we are not able to find you a job in Lithuania… Gladly, we are able to help you in this searching process...

OPPORTUNITIES: Startup Summit Kaunas 2018

What we are going to see and meet at the conference? The main topic is fuel for young SMEs. What are the fuels for startups made of? We trust in well-structured ingredients such as design-thinking, data-driven sales, and great pitches for investors along with networking with those who are willing...

OPPORTUNITIES: Catalogue of Internship and Volunteering offers

Are you looking for Internship or Volunteering opportunities? Right here in front of you is the eighth Catalogue of Internship and Volunteering Offers, which was issued by the Career Centre of Vytautas Magnus university. In this catalogue students will find internship and volunteering offers of ent...

RECOMMENDATION: To Participate in Western Union Open Days

Now’s your chance to dive into a fresh career with one of the top three employers in Lithuania! Come to our #WUOpenDays, grab some coffee, and test the waters. We're offering some cool events throughout the day, such as meeting with our friendly multi-national crew and getting a chance to dip you...

OPPORTUNITIES: Participate in Google AdCamp in Riga

We've got some exciting news, Google AdCamp is coming to Riga and we'd like to invite you to apply!     During this event, you’ll have the chance to get a rare 360-degree look behind the scenes at Google, develop your professional network and gain new skills. You’ll have some fun, experience our...

Public lecture “Dream, Believe, Do! Winning the Journey to the Life You Want“

On 3 April, 18:30 p.m., President of Southwestern Advantage, Dan Moore, will hold a public lecture at VMU (23 Putvinskio g.) entitled “Dream, Believe, Do! Winning the Journey to the Life You Want”. Living in the best way possible brings many challenges, like sailing across a stormy ocean. Navigat...