Train your voice to influence your world with Agora Speakers – Kaunas

2017-02-27, Valid until

At Agora Speakers – Kaunas, we are committed to the notion that everybody has ideas, and these ideas deserve to be heard. It is even better, that the value of our ideas increase exponentially when we share them with other people.

We provide a supportive and friendly environment where you can practice and discover your public speaking style and develop your skills. You will find not only a welcoming atmosphere that encourages practice, but you will also be part of a community that will help you with your projects, share experience and provide valuable feedback on the ways you can improve. You may also find a mentor who will guide you in refining your skills.

We are simply a platform to challenge yourself by sharing your ideas while improving your overall ability to do so, an indispensable skill in your career and daily life.

Students of VDU are invited to join our meetings every Sunday from 4.30pm to 6.00pm at the Faculty of Economics (Daukanto g. 28), Auditorium 402.

For more information:

Like our Facebook page:

Visit our website:

And Read the Agora Guides:

A Guide to Agora Speakers – Kaunas