Student internship: it helps international students become more open

2024-07-01, Valid until

Nelli Yeghiazaryan, a Master’s student in the Future Media and Journalism programme from Armenia, participated in the Internships for International Full-time students in Lithuania, which began earlier this year and which allows foreign students and graduates of full-time studies to apply for internships in the Lithuanian market. This programme has successfully welcomed over 30 international students to date. Renowned companies, organizations, and research centers, including Transparency International Lithuania, Citco Fund Services Lithuania, Escolit, and The Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry, are among the institutions that have already hosted interns.

The main aim of the internship is to provide foreign VMU students and graduates with an opportunity to acquire practical skills in Lithuanian companies and organizations. Nelli applied for this opportunity and shares her impressions, tips, and motivation for future participants.

Have you ever thought about actually practicing your knowledge in your desired company? Well, the UpinLT programme gives this opportunity to everyone who has a great motivation to become more visible in a job market, wish to express herself, and develop certain skills. I was one of the luckiest students who got the internship, which also provides a scholarship.

When I saw the list of the companies provided by the university that I could apply to, I was very excited until the moment that almost every company asked for additional language knowledge, or absence of a position. However, the university allows you to choose the company that you want, where there will be a mutual consent between employer and employee.

Hence, I decided to choose “SPEAK” as my place for internship, where I would not need to speak Lithuanian, and additionally, I could use my previous skills. I am very grateful since the university also gives the flexibility to choose the place that the applicant wants. But, you might think, what will this give you?

  1. Professional growth

Engaging in an internship allows you to work in a global environment, giving you insights about the overall field that you chose, certain details that can be learned during the working process. You’ll be able to apply theoretical knowledge from your studies to practical, real-world challenges, setting you apart in the job market.

  1. Cultural exchange

Living in a different country is already a way to expand the open-mindedness, but working will impact on it also, in a good way. Hence, this programme will help international students become more integrated and open.

  1. Networking opportunities

Let’s be real, knowing people can change things, and through this programme there are higher chances to get to know a lot of people, and make connections. Well, that was like this for me, and thanks to that I got to know many interesting, creative individuals.

  1. Personal development

Despite talking about professionalism, it is also very important to take into consideration personal growth. This is the perfect environment to express yourself, make mistakes, and learn  from it.

  1. University support

Some companies might not be ready to take you as a full-time employee, but hey, university is there to assist. It gives you a scholarship if you express your motivation, and with this help, you can get to the organization that you want to.

Hence, what are you waiting for? Go ahead, and apply for the programme, and be sure this will have a good impact on every field of your life.

Learn more about the programme here and apply!