Opportunities for studies or traineeship abroad

2024-09-16, Valid until

Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) International Cooperation Department invites all university students to use the opportunities for studies or traineeship abroad.

Additional competition for VMU bilateral exchange and Erasmus+ studies (in non-EU/EEA countries).

Submit your applications by 30 September.

Competition for the Erasmus+ traineeship grants in all of world countries.

Submit your applications by the 30 of September.

On September 12th, 3 p.m. we invite you to join the online presentation (in English) and learn more about study and traineeship opportunities. Click here to join.

NOTE! An additional Erasmus+ competition for studies in EU/EEA countries will NOT be announced for the spring semester of the AY 2024/2025. The main competition for the AY 2025/2026 (autumn and spring semesters) will be announced in February, 2025.

More information.