“idialogue” platform grows: career mentoring activities will also be available in English
As mentoring is becoming more and more popular, where various professionals share their experiences, and young professionals growing up in different spheres strive to continuously learn, improve, and learn new things – the “idialogue” mentoring platform is also evolving and Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) has been cooperating with it since 2019.
After a long and complex process, the English version of the “idialogue” mentoring platform has been launched, and VMU was one of the few universities that supported the upgrade to the English version of the platform. From now on, professionals and students from different fields will have the opportunity to participate in or conduct career mentoring in English, thus engaging a wider audience and building broader connections.
This career mentoring platform is completely free of charge and brings together the entire university community: academics, non-academic staff, alumni, and students. Both mentors and mentees can register on the platform. Once registered, mentors create a profile on the platform, where they provide information about themselves – a short introduction, experience, and areas of mentoring that mentees can apply for. Students who decide to find a mentor contact one of the selected persons by writing a letter stating their motivation to work with the mentor. Within 48 hours, a reply is given, and students can agree with the mentor on further details of communication and cooperation.
The benefits of the platform are undeniable for both the mentor and the mentee. Mentors not only help younger colleagues to develop their careers but also improve themselves by passing on their experience. We, therefore, invite all VMU students and mentors to join and actively use this career collaboration platform.
More information about mentoring platform.