Competition for traineeship at non-EU Countries
VMU students are invited to participate in competition for traineeship at non-EU countries with VMU Mobility scholarship.
Students have to submit completed online application form (Application form for traineeship in non-EU/EEE countries) until 17th of May 2020.
Selection criteria:
- traineeship compatibility with Study programme at VMU;
- confirmation from hosting organization for acceptance into traineeship programme;
- motivation;
- results of studies or research during the last two semesters (for VMU Mobility scholarship GPA should be no less than 8.0);
- good knowledge of language in which traineeship will be commenced.
Traineeship period starts no earlier than 2020-06-01 and ends no later than 2020-08-31.
Students will be personally informed via e-mail about the results till 22nd of May.
Selected students will receive VMU Mobility scholarship. Eligible countries and number of scholarships:
VMU Mobilitity scholarship
For more information about traineeship programme:
Tomas Mickevičius
International Cooperation Department
Phone: 8 37 327 987
Address: V. Putvinskio str. 23, room 207, Kaunas, Lithuania