Lecture-seminar how to find job in Lithuania
“Centras INLT ” invites you into lecture-seminar How to Find the Suitable Job in Lithuania.
The lecture will be hold by the PhD student of Vilnius University, Department of Clinical and Organizational Psychology, Said Dadašev. He will tell what you need to know before starting to search for the job.
Register for the lecture in advance: said.dadasev@gmail.com or +37065696766.
Seminars for Students: Building a Successful Career
From November 2016 until April 2017, career seminars are held at VMU entitled Building a Successful Career.
November 8th 2016 (Tuesday) at 6:15 PM at the VMU Multifunctional Centre for Research and Studies (23-103 V. Putvinskio Street) VMU students were invited to attend the first public lecture “How to be certain in a completely uncertain future” by the one of the most successful managers in the world and President of Southwestern Advantage (SA) Dan Moore.
Dan Moore has graduated from the Harvard University. Now at the Company he trains more than 70 000 people how to develop their own business and to achieve their goals. He delivers lectures at various universities all over the world – Vanderbilt University, the University of Florida, the University of Nebraska, the University of Kentucky, the University of British Columbia, Cambridge University, Strathclyde University and the University of Edinburgh. He is strongly confident that the future of business is created every day in the minds and hearts of enterprising young people who look for an opportunity of being what they have determined to be.
November 30th 2016 (Wednesday) at 4:15 pm VMU students were invited to attend the second seminar “How to Set Goals and Motivate Yourself to Do Things You Do not Feel Like Doing” led by Andrius Pelegrimas, VMU alumni, owner of company and top performer – number one dealer out of nearly 2000 performers in Southwestern Advantage direct sales program in 2015. Seminar will be held in Vytautas Magnus University (K. Donelaičio str. 52 , Room 322).
Andrius Pelegrimas has graduated History Bachelor and Master degree on VMU. He is owner of company Andrius Pelegrimas Consulting OU and elementary school “Herojus”. Also, Southwestern Advantage salesman has ten years of experience in direct sales and management in USA. Providing sales, management and leadership seminar in USA and Baltics. Top performer of Andrius Pelegrimas – number one dealer out of nearly 2000 performers in Southwestern Advantage direct sales program in 2015.
For next seminar topic, date and time follow us on karjera.vdu.lt.
From lecture “How to be certain in a completely uncertain future” by Dan Moore
From seminar “How to Set Goals and Motivate Yourself to Do Things You Do not Feel Like Doing” by Andrius Pelegrimas
Student-to-Student Peer Counselling
We are a group of student counsellors providing free, one-on-one, confidential, walk-in services to VMU students. Currently our student-initiated and student-run group is in its second year and we are very excited to grow bigger and introduce improvements such as counselling in English. If you are feeling down, experiencing difficulties in your life, need someone to talk to but are hesitant to see a professional counsellor, come to Student to Student Peer Counselling, where we are waiting for you and would be happy to talk to you. As peer counsellors, we provide a supportive atmosphere where students can openly talk about their feelings.
We are not professional counsellors, we are students just like you. We are extensively trained and here for you to offer non-judgmental, empathetic ears for whatever you are going through. Please note that our services are completely free and confidential.
If English isn’t your native language and you are afraid that it might be difficult for you to express your feelings in words, please don’t be. Our English isn’t perfect either but we promise it won’t be a problem.
Remember: No matter what happens, you matter.
We are waiting for you every Tuesday from 11am to 12pm at the students’ rest room, Donelaičio g. 52 (Faculty of Humanities).
Donelaičio g. 52 – students’ rest room:
- Monday: 3 pm-4 pm (Lithuanian)
- Tuesday: 11 am-12 pm (English)
- Thursday: 3 pm-4 pm (Lithuanian)
Jonavos g. 66 – 102:
- Monday: 10 am-11 am (Lithuanian)
- Tuesday: 12 pm-1 pm (Lithuanian); 3:30 pm-4:30 pm (Lithuanian)
- Wednesday: 3 pm-4 pm (Lithuanian); 11 am-12 pm (Lithuanian)
- Thursday: 11 am-12 pm (Lithuanian); 5 pm-6 pm (Lithuanian)
Information source: vdu.lt/en
Google Europe Scholarship for Students with Disabilities
Access to knowledge is our passion. When it comes to higher education for promising scholars, we don’t want anything to stand in the way.
That’s why we’re proud to present the Google Europe Scholarship for Students with Disabilities.
Google is committed to helping the innovators of the future make the most of their talents by providing scholarships for Computer Science students with disabilities. As part of our commitment, we’ve partnered with EmployAbility, a nonprofit organization dedicated to assisting students with disabilities while they pursue education and promising careers.
More information about the Scholarship you will find here: https://www.google.com/studentswithdisabilities-europe/
Improve Your Career Search!
Searching for a job is easy, finding is not – Don’t miss this opportunity!
We all know it’s tough being a student, searching for jobs and figuringout your next career move. You’re following companies on social media, visitingtheir career websites and applying for available jobs. But are you getting the most out of your job search, or just wasting your time?
Don’t miss the chance to find your next internship or career opportunity! Do more for your career search by sharing your opinion on how you search for career opportunities, jobs and employers online and immediately get:
- access to exclusive articles with professional application tips and insights;
- annual student report with the latest trends in online job search.
You will also get discounts and the possibility to win awesome prizes from Happy Socks, mymuesli, Snö of Sweden, Sudio, Blvckout, Pixter, or a trip to Stockholm!
Take 10 minutes and click here to improve your career search today: http://survey.potentialpark.com/s3/KVcareers2017
The survey is organized by Entrypark, a part of Potentialpark Communications. They collaborate with global employers and higher education institutions worldwide tocreate opportunities and support students in taking their first career steps. Discover more opportunities and sign up for our newsletter at https://www.entrypark.com/