Lithuanian Language Summer Course

Each summer the University offers an intensive (4 weeks) Lithuanian Language and Culture Summer Course. During the summer course students are offered an intensive programme consisting of lectures, workshops and discussions, sightseeing tours and excursions to learn the Lithuanian language and deepen the knowledge about Lithuanian lifestyle. Qualified teachers and professors will head the programme. This course will be on 14 July – 12 August, 2017. Application deadline: June 30, 2017.


  • You are a student coming to study in Lithuania;
  • You are interested in Lithuania and the Lithuanian language;
  • You value the experience of highly qualified professionals and enjoy creative work;
  • You are interested in meeting students from other countries;
  • You would like to spend a wonderful summer month in Kaunas – the most Lithuanian city of Lithuania – and see the places of interest in Lithuania.


The summer course fee, including tuition and social programme is 650 Eur. The registration fee is 30 Eur.
Accommodation in a student dormitory will cost 5 Eur / night or students can arrange their own accommodation if they wish.
All the fees must be paid within 5 days after the arrival.


The deadline of submitting the application for applicants is June 30, 2017.

Application form


More information you can find here:

Petition Regarding University of Kaunas

We find the actions of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania preparing the plan for university network optimisation completely hasty, non-transparent, disregarding the positions taken by the academic communities and avoiding dialogues with universities.

We hereby invite all who support this appeal:

The complete text of the declaration is available here.

Taking into consideration the historic development of universities and acknowledging the provisions of the Law on Universities of 13 December 1939 adopted by the First Independent Republic of Lithuania, the attempt to consolidate the universities of Kaunas is acceptable only if the name and academic tradition of Vytautas Magnus University is preserved.

The University of Lithuania established on 16 February 1922 in Kaunas was the first school of higher education in Lithuania which became a vitally important beacon of culture and science as well as a modern and independent intellectual thought for our country. When the 500th anniversary of the death of the Grand Duke Vytautas Magnus was commemorated in 1930, the University of Lithuania was granted the name of Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) to honour his name. Implementing the Law on Universities of 13 December 1939, three faculties of Vytautas Magnus University (humanities, law and mathematics-natural sciences) were moved to Vilnius hereby re-establishing Vilnius University. In order to destroy the Lithuanian national identity, the Soviet government renamed VMU to Kaunas University in 1940 and 1946, and eventually closed it completely in 1950.

On 28 April 1989, in a collective effort of Lithuanian and diaspora scientists, the declaration on reestablishment of Vytautas Magnus University was announced. Its statutes were validated by the Law of the Supreme Council of 4 July 1989 “On the Reestablishment of Vytautas Magnus University”, Article 1 of which announces the “reestablishment of Vytautas Magnus University, granting it the status of an independent institution of higher education”. Therefore, as announced in Article 1 of the Law on Universities of 1939, Lithuania attained the 11 March (the Restoration of Lithuania’s Independence) with two universities: Vilnius University in Vilnius and Vytautas Magnus University in Kaunas.

Today, celebrating the 28th anniversary of its reestablishment, Vytautas Magnus University is one of the most liberal schools of higher education in Lithuania, continuing the mission of the University of Lithuania established in Kaunas in 1922. VMU students, teachers and graduates are united by the idea of artes liberales. It fosters an independent creative thought, focuses on the quality of studies, science and arts and is highly successful in developing its international relations. Both international and national ratings position VMU among the top 4 strongest Lithuanian state universities taking leadership in scientific research and internationalisation.

Petition for the preservation of VMU

The complete text of the declaration by the VMU community

Apply now: Additional Competition for Erasmus+ studies

VMU International Cooperation Department invites all VMU students to use possibility to gain international study experience by studying in Erasmus+ partner countries‘ higher education institution (HEI).

Students have to submit completed online application form until 14th of May, 2017.

More information you can find HERE.


During the International Children’s Games 2017, around 300 volunteers will have a unique experience by taking part in this great cultural and multi-sports event. Volunteers will be the backbone of the organization, thus the success of ICG 2017 depends largely on the motivation and skills of our volunteers.

Do you want to TRY yourself, GAIN invaluable experience, MEET new friends and GET positive emotions? If YES, then you should BECOME a volunteer of the International Children’s Games.

If you are INTERESTED in applying for a volunteer position, please FILL in this application form

What do we offer for you as a volunteer?
You will get meals and drinks during your shifts.
* You will get accreditation to the entire competition with a possibility to use the public transport free of charge.
* You will get a volunteer’s uniform.
* You will get a certificate of participation in which we will specify the number of volunteer hours.

General benefit you could get:
Volunteering is the first step towards a successful career;
* Invaluable experience;
* Participating in an international event means the opportunity to be in contact with people from all over the world;
* Good emotions;
* Ability to realize yourself;
* Development of foreign languages;
* Being part of such a large-scale event is a great way to start friendship with hundreds of young people;
* Valuable record in your CV.

What do we expect from you as a volunteer?
We expect you to be available at the end of June and the beginning of July 2017.
* Volunteers should speak English (other foreign languages will be a great advantage).
* Volunteers should be at least 16 years old at the beginning of volunteering. You will need your parents’ consent if you are older than 16 years and younger than 18 years in July 2017.

* Responsibility
* Motivation
* Foreign language skills
* Enthusiasm

More information is available here:

Public lecture “Making the Future YOU Want”

On Thursday 6 April, 6 p.m., President of Southwestern Advantage, Dan Moore, will hold a public lecture at VMU Great Hall (28 S. Daukanto g.) entitled “Making the Future YOU Want”.

Living in the best way possible brings many challenges, like sailing across a stormy ocean. Navigating life successfully means starting with a VISION of your destination, and the MIND-SET necessary to stay on the path, despite the obstacles.

Come spend two hours with Dan Moore (B.A. from Harvard, M.B.A. from Vanderbilt), President of Southwestern Advantage, as he guides us through a process of dreaming bigger, followed by understanding how to employ the most valuable tool we will ever have: our own minds!

Take advantage of more than four decades of Dan’s experience in helping young people progress toward being the kind of people they truly want to be. Expect to be learn, expect to have fun, and expect to leave inspired!

More information is available here:


Seminar about Branding Yourself

Until April 2017, career seminars are held at VMU entitled Building a Successful Career. March 21th (Tuesday) at 4:20 PM at the VMU (52-521 K. Donelaicio street) VMU students are invited to attend the public lecture “Branding yourself” by the “Southwestern Advantage” Organizational Field Leaders Eglė Ališauskaitė and Ieva Ališauskaitė.

About seminar

Tools to prove yourself to others at the job interview, at the university, making yourself noticeable. In nowadays life it’s easier to accomplish more, by showing your value and adding value to others.

Some of the topics in the seminar will include:

  • Self-esteem
  • Self-branding: Honing your personal image
  • Self presentation skills
  • Attitude Management
  • Service culture
  • Understanding etiquette

Train your voice to influence your world with Agora Speakers – Kaunas

At Agora Speakers – Kaunas, we are committed to the notion that everybody has ideas, and these ideas deserve to be heard. It is even better, that the value of our ideas increase exponentially when we share them with other people.

We provide a supportive and friendly environment where you can practice and discover your public speaking style and develop your skills. You will find not only a welcoming atmosphere that encourages practice, but you will also be part of a community that will help you with your projects, share experience and provide valuable feedback on the ways you can improve. You may also find a mentor who will guide you in refining your skills.

We are simply a platform to challenge yourself by sharing your ideas while improving your overall ability to do so, an indispensable skill in your career and daily life.

Students of VDU are invited to join our meetings every Sunday from 4.30pm to 6.00pm at the Faculty of Economics (Daukanto g. 28), Auditorium 402.

For more information:

Like our Facebook page:

Visit our website:

And Read the Agora Guides:

A Guide to Agora Speakers – Kaunas


Seminar about time management

Career Centre invites you into seminar Time Management – You in University and Elsewhere.

Seminar programme:

  • Managing time = managing yourself, it is all about your behavior.
  • Focusing on most important task, the one that brings most results, examples of doing “busy work”.
  • Balance is appropriate time spent on priorities. Because all of the activities do not need the same amount of time. For example, for physical activities 30 min in a day is enough, but your term paper in school or working in student council on a project 30 min is not enough if you want good results.
  • Story about rocks, pebbels, sand and water, new factor – what is sigificant now?
  • You multiply your time by spending time on things today that will give you more time (AND RESULTS) tomorrow.
  • Teaching using calendar (online and paper), to do list and priorities.
  • Bonus material – quick tips on using emails, Facebook etc. They can be time eaters if you don’t have rules of using them properly.

LKL invites to conference “Key factors of a competitive world-wide known sport organization”

Lithuanian Basketball League is continuing its set of LKL Academy conferences and this time steps into another level with the speakers not only from Lithuania. The purpose of LKL Academy and its conferences is to create a better tomorrow for sport sphere in Lithuania by educating and giving neccessary experience and knowledge to Lithuanian students and everyone who wants to improve as a sport specialist.

Conference programme

Register for the LKL Academy conference here: 

More information about the Conference is available here:

Changes in immigration laws related to student work in Lithuania

On 14 September 2016 the Parliament of the Republic of Lithuania adopted amendments to the Law on the Legal Status of Foreigners, which entered into force on 1 January 2017. The amendments have improved the conditions for obtaining temporary Lithuanian residence permits for startup founders, highly-qualified employees (EU Blue Card), as well as for non-EU citizens who are setting up or managing a business in Lithuania.

There are two new changes important for students:

  • From 1 January 2017 students from abroad do not need to obtain a Lithuanian work permit.
  • Students can start to work from the first year of their studies and can work up to 20 hours a week without additional permits.

If you have more questions related legal issues of working in Lithuania, please contact: