During the time period from October 11 till 13 day all Vytautas Magnus university students has a possibility to check their personal Curriculum Vitae (CV), descriptions of work experience and extracurricular activities by sending the following mailbox: cv@vdu.lt Afterwards, CV will be reviewed and students will receive comments on how to improve their resumes, so it would be attractive for potential employer – layout, highlights, recommendations, etc., – that how works
Virtual CV Clinic
Vytautas Magnus University invites you to take part in the second day event of „VMU Career Days 2017“ dedicated to gain entrepreneurship skills for foreigners students of VMU.
Thursday (10.05) we inviting all students to take part in international entrepreneur conference “Innovative Entrepreneurship Skillship”, where all participants will have the opportunity to get acquainted with entrepreneurship and employment opportunities from different countries and develop entrepreneurship competencies. The conference will include speakers from 8 different universities. In the practical part of this conference all participants will get acquainted with such techniques as Lego Serious Play, Design Thinking, Business Model Canvas, Points of View. This Conference is organized by consortium #empl-oi, as part of the project “European Mobility Placements for Open Innovation” co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.
Place: Gimnazijos g. 7, II flour (VMU Aula Magna)
Time: 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (10:00 – 17:00 hour)
Speakers: Representatives from Universities of Latvia, Nice, Alcalá, Lodz, Naples
Vytautas Magnus University invites you to take part in the first day event of „VMU Career Days 2017“ dedicated to foreigners students of VMU. Thematic Workshop on self-knowledge topic “How good do You know yourself?” is organised in cooperation with Lithuanian Psychology Students’ Association (LiPSA).
10.03 (TUESDAY) Thematic Workshop on self-knowledge topic “How good do You know yourself?
We would like to invite you to not hesitate and join the unforgettable adventure which is awaiting you in our trainings. As in any other journey, this has its own objectives, whose main is to achieve a better understanding of the treasures that are hiding in ourselves and which could help you to find the path of your career. In order to find those treasures you will need a map and a compass, therefore, during our trainings sessions we will become your „signposts“ and will lead you in finding your path, understanding where are you know and reaching your personal „treasure chest“.
The number of participants is limited, therefore, it is necessary to REGISTER to the “How good do You know yourself? Workshop for students” here
Time: 4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. (16:00 – 18:00 h.)
Place: K. Donelaičio g. 52, room 614
Moderators: Members of the training team of Lithuanian Psychology Students’ Association (LiPSA) Ms. Kristina Mozūraitytė and Mr. Robertas Čiapas
Vytautas Magnus University invites you to the events of „VMU Career Days 2017“ which will take place at VMU areas and virtually throughout the month of October. Events in Lithuanian and English languages are dedicated for our international students. The common theme of this year‘s events is CAREER 360° or, in other words, comprehensive career, which will be introduced to anyone who is going to participate in the activities. Lectures, discussions, meetings, experiences and „live“ or „virtual“ workshops on self-knowledge topics, this and much more, will await you in the events of VMU Career Days. The first-ever Virtual Career Fair organised by Lithuanian higher education institution will be a key and final component of the Career Days.
Self-Knowledge Workshops will take place on the 3rd of October, during which you will have the opportunity to achieve a better understanding of yourself and identify the skills you have, which could help to find the path of your career. The number of participants is limited, therefore please register here.
During the „VMU Career Days 2017“, students will have the opportunity to review their curriculum vitae (CV) and virtually receive professional advices. This opportunity will be available from the 11th to the 13th of October, on the Virtual CV Clinic.
One of the key events for international students will take place on 19th of October, when students will be given a chance to learn about job, internship and volunteering opportunities for foreign nationals in Lithuania. Representatives of Lithuanian Labour Exchange will present legislation; VMU Career Centre team will share experiences and insights; employment agency Darbinta together with students and graduates of VMU will discuss employability in Lithuania and, finally, non-governmental organisations PATRIA and WE GO will present volunteering opportunities.
During “VMU Career Days 2017”, on October 26th, VMU Career Centre Open Days will take place. On this day students are welcome to visit Vytautas Magnus University Career Centre and learn about activities and services carried out in the centre.
From the 24th to the 30th of October the Baltic Virtual Career Fair will take place. Vytautas Magnus University together with the CV-Online presents this Virtual Fair, which will be the first-ever Virtual Career Fair organised by Lithuanian higher education institution! The fair will be attended by small and big businesses from Lithuania and other Baltic States that are currently hiring new staff and looking for interns. Do not miss the chance to visit Virtual Career Fair! Come and meet the employers personally through the web, communicate with businesses via online chat, join interesting discussions with employers and apply for a job. Want to be reminded when the event takes place? Register.
For more information about “VMU Career Days 2017”, please visit the website http://karjerosdienos.vdu.lt/en
Full “VMU Career Days 2017” programme is available in here
Organiser of VMU Career Days
VMU Career Centre
Daukanto str. 27, room 301
Phone no. (8-37) 327 983
Very useful advices about your career
We want to share one advicement guide which can be really useful for your career!
Check it out: http://firemeibegyou.com/career-advancement/
Career Consultations for VMU students
In the Career Centre you may get free, confidential and private career consultations.
Depending on your individual need your consultation will include one or more of the following:
- Taking career decisions (e.g. if you have some doubts on the study programme, future profession (job) that you have chosen);
- Writing CV (Resume) and cover letter or improving ones you have already written;
- Developing the strategy of searching for a job, internship or volunteering place and choosing the most effective ways to do it;
- Evaluating you current career situation and planning further steps;
- Getting to know yourself better – clarifying your values, interests, your strengths and skills;
- Getting prepared for a job interview and “practicing” for it;
- Creating your own career vision, setting career goals, planning its implementation, etc.
To book a consultation or for more information contact us:
- By an e-mail: career@vdu.lt
- By phone: (+370 37) 327 983
- By visiting the Career Centre (S. Daukanto str. 27, room 301)
VMU is Leading University in Region by Internationality
In the latest QS World University Rankings 2018, Vytautas Magnus University was ranked among the top 3 per cent universities of the world. VMU once again proved to be the leading university in Lithuania by its internationality and was ranked by QS as one of four best universities in the country.
VMU was ranked “401+” in all six categories of the QS ranking: academic reputation, employer reputation, citations per faculty, faculty students, international faculty, and international students. Compared to last year, the university’s results were improved in five categories.
You can read the full article here.
VMU Career Centre has moved to a new premises!
Joyfully anounce that
since 2017.05.15 VMU Career Centre has moved to a new premises,
S. Daukanto str. 27, room 301.
We are waiting VDU students and graduates applying for individual career consultations.
In the Career Centre you may get free, confidential and private career consultations.
Depending on your individual need your consultation will include one or more of the following:
- Taking career decisions (e.g. if you have some doubts on the study programme, future profession (job) that you have chosen);
- Writing CV (Resume) and cover letter or improving ones you have already written;
- Developing the strategy of searching for a job, internship or volunteering place and choosing the most effective ways to do it;
- Evaluating you current career situation and planning further steps;
- Getting to know yourself better – clarifying your values, interests, your strengths and skills;
- Getting prepared for a job interview and “practicing” for it;
- Creating your own career vision, setting career goals, planning its implementation, etc.
To book a consultation or for more information contact us:
- By an e-mail: career@vdu.lt
- By phone: (+370 37) 327 983
- By visiting the Career Centre (S. Daukanto str. 27, room 301.)
Call for proposals for short-term studies is open
Two types of scholarships for students, lecturers and researchers of foreign countries are offered in the academic year 2017-2018:
- Short term (1-2 semesters) studies (The list of Lithuanian higher education institutions and study programmes of all study fields is available at www.studyinlithuania.lt);
- Lithuanian short-term studies (Higher education institutions where Lithuanian short-term studies can be arranged are: Vilnius University; Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences; Vytautas Magnus University; Klaipeda University; Siauliai University).
The autumn semester in higher education and research institutions of Lithuania normally lasts from September until January and the spring semester – from February until June. In order to arrange a study in Lithuania and receive an official approval of acceptance, a candidate is advised to contact directly the International Office of the chosen Lithuanian higher education institution. Information about study programmes delivered in English at Lithuanian higher education institutions is available at www.studyinlithuania.lt.
More information you can find here: http://www.vdu.lt/en/call-for-proposals-for-short-term-studies-is-open/
C# Academy & BBQ party
Xplicity announces to organise a summer event – C# Academy (in August, 2017).
This is a chance to improve your programming skills, network and gain new and international connections, get a job offer and have fun at various interactive activities!
More information about the event coming soon. Follow the news on social media: www.facebook.com/xplicitysocial
Early registration started! www.xplicity.com/academy-2017
Xplicity team also would like to invite you to summer inauguration BBQ! They are organizing an event for the IT community around!
30th of May, 18.00
Chemijos gatve 9D, Kaunas
because you don’t want to miss it!
You will meet Xplicity team, have no chance to get to know the company better, play games, drink beer, eat food and have loads of fun!
Bring your summer vibes and a friend if you wish! Join the event on Xplicity Facebook page, stay updated with news and please let them know you coming at hello@xplicity.com