RECOMMENDATION: To Participate in Western Union Open Days

Now’s your chance to dive into a fresh career with one of the top three employers in Lithuania!

Come to our #WUOpenDays, grab some coffee, and test the waters. We’re offering some cool events throughout the day, such as meeting with our friendly multi-national crew and getting a chance to dip your toe into just some of the various departments at WU:

• Internship Program
• IT & Operations
• HR & Administration
• Accounting & Finance
• Creative Hub
• Partner Management

From scam busting to compliance, you’ll hear about WU life directly from the professionals who navigate these complex issues. And if you’re not afraid to get wet, you may able to start in the deep end of the pool, by signing up for an intern…ship or even a full-time position!

Don’t wait too long – the water’s just fine. Take a deep breath, register for our WU Open Days, and jump in! #WUCareers #WULithuania


OPPORTUNITIES: Participate in Google AdCamp in Riga

We’ve got some exciting news, Google AdCamp is coming to Riga and we’d like to invite you to apply!  
During this event, you’ll have the chance to get a rare 360-degree look behind the scenes at Google, develop your professional network and gain new skills. You’ll have some fun, experience our culture and learn even more about our Global Business Organisation. Excited? We sure hope so!
Apply to register for the event, if you are:
·         Interested and have experience in sales, customer support, account management, marketing or consulting
·         Experienced and have proven ability in managing and customizing experience to a customer base
·         A proven multi-tasker and able to manage multiple projects at a time while paying strict attention to detail
·         Proactive, independent worker with the demonstrated capacity to lead, motivate and work well with others
Event Details
·         When: May 11, 2018
·         Where: Riga
Google will cover transport (most reasonable mode) to Riga and hotel rooms if needed for the duration of the event. Once selected, our corporate travel partner will contact you to book your travel.
How to Apply
  • Dust off your CV and submit your online application.
  • Please include the event code: LV0518, Applications without a code will NOT be considered.
  • Application Deadline: 29 April 2018
  • We’ll let you know by beginning of May if you have been selected to participate
We look forward to reviewing your application!
Google University Programs Team
This is a #GoogleOnCampus event with the University Programs team for Europe, the Middle East and Africa.


Public lecture “Dream, Believe, Do! Winning the Journey to the Life You Want“

On 3 April, 18:30 p.m., President of Southwestern Advantage, Dan Moore, will hold a public lecture at VMU (23 Putvinskio g.) entitled “Dream, Believe, Do! Winning the Journey to the Life You Want”.

Living in the best way possible brings many challenges, like sailing across a stormy ocean. Navigating life successfully means starting with a VISION of your destination, and the MIND-SET necessary to stay on the path, despite the obstacles.

Come spend two hours with Dan Moore (B.A. from Harvard, M.B.A. from Vanderbilt), President of Southwestern Advantage, as he guides us through a process of dreaming bigger, followed by understanding how to employ the most valuable tool we will ever have: our own minds!

Take advantage of more than four decades of Dan’s experience in helping young people progress toward being the kind of people they truly want to be. Expect to be learn, expect to have fun, and expect to leave inspired!

More information is available here:

OPPORTUNITIES: Competition for the Erasmus+ traineeship grants (the second edition)

The second edition of the Erasmus+ Student and Graduate Program 2017/2018 is currently being launched. Student practice may end at the latest – 21-09-2018, graduate practice – one year after graduation. The duration of the practice is from 2 to 4 months.

Here you can find an advertise in  english.


Students who want to participate in Erasmus+ student practice or graduate practice competitions, by February 4th will have to submit a selection form and accompanying documents. Refer to the selection sheets and more information at:


OPPORTUNITIES: fill out, find out and WIN! :)

OPPORTUNITIES: fill out the survey, find out the latest news (tips and tricks) about job searching process and… WIN THE TRIP!

All thanks to Potentialpark team, so continue your reading:

How do you want to apply for jobs?

Do you agree that searching for a job is easy, but finding one is not? Sometimes, finding a job can feel like a job and we want to change this!

We at Potentialpark tell big organizations how you want to apply for jobs – with your help!

The only thing you have to do is to…


  1. Share your thoughts,
  2. get the latest tips and tricks about job search and application,
  3. …and get the chance to win a weekend trip to Potentialpark’s amazing hometown of Stockholm, Sweden!


Share your opinion now! →


Thank you! You are awesome!

Your Potentialpark Team


At Potentialpark, we are experts in Communication, Career Search and Employer Branding and we work with some of the most successful employers worldwide. Your participation in the Potentialpark Study 2018 will contribute to understanding how talent search and apply for jobs. With the results, we push employers globally to become more Talent Friendly in their communication and recruiting processes – and we also make sure your university gets access to the latest insights.




THE FUTURE: will you be ready? by Dan Moore

Career Centre Open Days

Students, graduates and other interested persons are welcome to visit Vytautas Magnus university Career Centre and learn about activities carried out in the centre, receive consultations or proposals. Group consultations, question-answer session, on how to fill CV, to write a cover letter and processes of looking for a volunteering/internship/job position will be held as well.

Place: S. Daukanto str. 27, room 301 (VMU Career Centre)

Time: 3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. (15:00 – 16:00 hour)

Register to group consultation here.

10.24 Practical testing of the “Personal Business You” career method

VMU Center for Enterprise practices will deliver a creative workshop session with methodology  “Business Model You”. This session will help you develop, extend, and implement your career design and develop your personal competencies.


Place: S. Daukanto g. 28, room 206.1

Time: 1:00 p.m. – 2:45 p.m.

Speaker: “VDU Verslo praktikų centro” certified trainer Mr. Liudas Švipas

10.24-30 Virtual Career Fair with CV-Online

CV-Online presents the second Virtual Career Fair of the Baltic States, which will be the first-ever Virtual Career Fair organised by Lithuanian higher education institution! The fair will be attended by small and big businesses from Lithuania and other Baltic States, that are currently hiring new staff and looking for interns. Don‘t miss the chance to visit Virtual Career Fair! Come and meet the employers personally through the web, communicate with businesses via online chat, join interesting discussions with employers and apply for a job! Want to be reminded when the event takes place?  SUBSCRIBE

VMU CAREER DAYS 2017: “Job, internship and volunteering opportunities for foreign nationals in Lithuania”

2017-10-19 Seminar in English „Job, internship and volunteering opportunities for foreign nationals in Lithuania”

What are the opportunities of employability of foreign students in Lithuania? What are the legislations and other information which must be known by every foreign student, who is looking for a job or internship or volunteering opportunities in Lithuania?

Place: S. Daukanto str. 28, II flour (VMU Small Hall) 

Time: 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. (14:00 – 16:00)

Moderator: Ms. Sandra Matoškaitė, VMU Students’ council projects and international relations commitee coordinator


Ms. Marisa Walchshofer ir Ms. Morgane Maraquin, European volunteering service volunteers in Lithuanian Labour Exchange

Ms. Monika Valentaitė, VMU Career Centre coordinator

VMU graduate, employed in Lithuania

Currently employed student of VMU

UAB “Personalo importo sprendimai”, the representative of the foreign citizens recruitment company in Lithuania

VšĮ A.C. Patrija –  incoming european volunteering service volunteers coordinators Ms Viktorija Navikaitė and Ms. Ingrida Vinickytė

WE GO Team representative