OPPORTUNITIES: Catalogue of Internship and Volunteering offers
Are you looking for Internship or Volunteering opportunities?
Right here in front of you is the ninth Catalogue of Internship and Volunteering Offers, which was issued by the Career Centre of Vytautas Magnus university. In this catalogue students will find internship and volunteering offers of enterprises, public institutions, non-governmental organisations. We are hoping that each of you will find something useful in the pages that follow!
Catalogue of Internship and Volunteering Offers No. 9 / December, 2018
The catalogue provides a standardised presentation of enterprise, institution or organisation which is offering internship or volunteering opportunities, indicates the name and conditions of the offered internship / volunteering position. Each publication of an offer includes information about ability to combine activities with your studies, about the period of internship / volunteering, specifies which of offered positions are adapted for students with disabilities and which activities are organised in foreign languages.
VMU Career Centre is not responsible for the content of the offers published in the Catalogue. Companies and organisations decide themselves about the conditions of internship and/or volunteering.
We hope that this catalogue will help you to find a place of internship or you will use an opportunity to test yourself in volunteering, which will be useful in finding your path to labour market!
For more information:
VMU Career Centre
Address: S. Daukanto str. 27, room 301, LT-44249 Kaunas
Website: www.karjera.vdu.lt/en/
Phone no: +370 37 327 983
E-mail: career@vdu.lt
Survey to better understand international students’ motivation for coming to Lithuania
Have you ever thought about your career after graduation?
If you are a full-time student from abroad, public organisation “Create Lithuania” would appreciate 3-5 minutes of your time for a quick, anonymous survey to better understand international students’ motivation for coming to Lithuania and possible challenges.
Survey link you can find here.
The Fellowship of Lithuanian Christian Students
The Fellowship of Lithuanian Christian Students
Place: Vytautas Magnus University
Tel. for Lithuanian students (Goda) +370 662 55349
Tel. for foreign students (Ričardas) +370 672 27218
E-mail kaunas@lksb.lt
Website https://www.lksb.lt/lt
LKSB mission – to gather Christian students who share Gospel with other students.
The Fellowship of Lithuanian Christian Students (LKSB) is a movement of students, unifying Lithuanian Institutions of higher education. The main aim is to make an impact of the Christian outlook and lifestyle on students in Lithuanian universities, develop active and responsible members of society with strong spiritual and moral beliefs.
Together students study the Bible, discuss the relevance of the Word of God and other important topics nowadays, organize debate, seminars, film viewing, parties, and camps, spend time together, and participate in various events.
LKSB is a member of (International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (IFES).
Time of meetings
Information about meeting place and time you can find at our website or “Facebook” pages:
Debõra Gvazdikaitė
tel.: (+370) 64302536
fb LKSB Kaune
Joe Paulson
tel.: (+370) 63835793
fb LKSB International Student Ministry
Fill the survey about how to find a job and win valuable prizes from exclusive tips to an Amazon voucher
We know that searching for jobs may be easy but finding the right one is not a walk in the park.
By sharing your thoughts in our survey, you are shaping the future of recruitment!
And as a thank you gift, you will get access to exclusive tips and tricks as well as a chance to win an Amazon Voucher and meet top global employers at our Potentialpark Conference.
Start the survey and score all the rewards!
When you’re done, why not share the survey to your friends, colleagues, relatives, or even strangers of the Internet?
REGISTRATION for career consultations
Sadly, but we are not able to find you a job in Lithuania… Gladly, we are able to help you in this searching process!
Register for a career consultation if you want to:
- Write or rewrite your CV and get some useful comments about it
- Get some advices about how to write a motivational letter (only for a particular jog offer!)
- Prepare for a job interview (it helps to treat the stress and feel more self-confident during the real conversation with your future boss)
- Get some advices about volunteering in Lithuania
- Have a full coaching session if you feel a little strugled and don’t know what to do next in your career’s way (ONLY for students with good english skills!)
Career guidance is provided by Career Center Consultant.
If something will change and you will not be able to come to consultation, please inform us by e-mail: cv@vdu.lt or by phone: +370 37 327983. Thank you!
If you need more information about Lithuania’s law for foreign students about their working abilities, please contact Lithuanian Labour Exchange.
European Day of Languages 2018. Job interview simulation
As is our tradition, at the end of September the Institute of Foreign Language invites VMU and the community of the city of Kaunas to celebrate European Day of Languages. This year‘s events, which aim to involve university and middle school students, will be held on Thursday, the 27th of September, at the VMU Multifunctional Centre. Continuing last year‘s initiative to open up the multilingual world of business to our students, they will be invited to meetings with representatives from international companies. This year the companies will not only present their activities during the fair, but will also offer the opportunity to test the student‘s foreign language competence in job interview simulation in English, Danish, Norwegian, Russian and German.
Better to experience something once than to hear about it a thousand times! So register now for your „job interview“ in your chosen language. Get a head start on those who don‘t speak a foreign language, earn extra credit in your language class and receive a participant certificate!
RECOMMENDATION: Forum “General Education Curriculum Reform and Teacher Education”
On 18 September 2018, VMU will host expert forum entitled General Education Curriculum Reform And Teacher Education, which will take place at the VMU Lozoraičiai Museum (K. Donelaičio g. 58, Kaunas).
Over the recent years, numerous countries have initiated curriculum reforms in the field of general education. These initiatives are closely related to global challenges regarding 21st century competences. Even though the World Economic forum has announced a list of the most important competences which should be developed for living and working in contemporary societies, the discussion remains how national curricula should be changed and updated to respond to the new needs.
While various strategic curriculum change approaches have been observed, some common tendencies could be identified: merging boundaries between subjects, focusing on phenomenon but not subject studies, multidisciplinarity in solving problems, analysing cases; learning personalisation and individualisation responding to individual and specific learning needs, inclusion, spread of technologies and digitalisation of learning. These are the main but not the only tendencies which indicate that changes in national curricula cannot take place without changing teacher education and training system.
The expert forum aims to bring the best experiences in curriculum reform and teacher education in the region and strives to open a discussion on new approaches, initiatives and projects. It invites national experts and practitioners from Ministry of Education and Science, municipalities, higher education establishments and, naturally, leaders of schools.
REGISTRATION for career consultations
Hurry up and take the opportunity!
June 11 – 15 is the last week of consultations. Consultations take place everyday from 10 am till 5 pm, one consultation lasts about one hour.
Sadly, but we are not able to find you a job in Lithuania… Gladly, we are able to help you in this searching process!
Register for a career consultation if you want to:
- Write or rewrite your CV and get some useful comments about it
- Get some advices about how to write a motivational letter (only for a particular jog offer!)
- Prepare for a job interview (it helps to treat the stress and feel more self-confident during the real conversation with your future boss)
- Get some advices about volunteering in Lithuania
- Have a full coaching session if you feel a little strugled and don’t know what to do next in your career’s way (ONLY for students with good english skills!)
Career guidance is provided by Career Center Consultant Viktorija Kviliūnaitė.
If something will change and you will not be able to come to consultation, please inform us by e-mail: karjeroscentras2014@gmail.com or by phone: +370 37 327983. Thank you!
If you need more information about Lithuania’s law for foreign students about their working abilities, please contact Lithuanian Labour Exchange.
OPPORTUNITIES: Startup Summit Kaunas 2018
What we are going to see and meet at the conference?
The main topic is fuel for young SMEs. What are the fuels for startups made of? We trust in well-structured ingredients such as design-thinking, data-driven sales, and great pitches for investors along with networking with those who are willing to share their good and bad experiences.
Welcome the ones wondering to fuel their startups! What are the fuels for startups made of? We trust in well-structured ingredients such as design-thinking, data-driven sales, and great pitches for investors along with networking with those who are willing to share their good and bad experiences.
The event is for free but you need to register here.
OPPORTUNITIES: Catalogue of Internship and Volunteering offers
Are you looking for Internship or Volunteering opportunities?
Right here in front of you is the eighth Catalogue of Internship and Volunteering Offers, which was issued by the Career Centre of Vytautas Magnus university. In this catalogue students will find internship and volunteering offers of enterprises, public institutions, non-governmental organisations. We are hoping that each of you will find something useful in the pages that follow!
Catalogue of Internship and Volunteering Offers No. 8 / June, 2018
The catalogue provides a standardised presentation of enterprise, institution or organisation which is offering internship or volunteering opportunities, indicates the name and conditions of the offered internship / volunteering position. Each publication of an offer includes information about ability to combine activities with your studies, about the period of internship / volunteering, specifies which of offered positions are adapted for students with disabilities and which activities are organised in foreign languages.
VMU Career Centre is not responsible for the content of the offers published in the Catalogue. Companies and organisations decide themselves about the conditions of internship and/or volunteering.
We hope that this catalogue will help you to find a place of internship or you will use an opportunity to test yourself in volunteering, which will be useful in finding your path to labour market!
For more information:
VMU Career Centre (Student Affairs Department)
Address: S. Daukanto str. 27, room 301, LT-44249 Kaunas
Website: www.karjera.vdu.lt/en/
Phone no: +370 37 327 983
E-mail: career@vdu.lt